Urban Grammar AI | WP2 - Spatial Signatures
Project homepage
WP1 - Data processing
WP3 - Signature AI
Spatial unit
Exploration of tessellation
Generating enclosures (proof of a concept)
Enclosed tessellation (proof of a concept)
Generate enclosures for the Great Britain
Geo-chunking Great Britain
Generate enclosed tessellation
Generate hierarchical unique IDs
Populating units with data
Cross-chunk indices
Urban morphometrics
Create inscribed circles
Functional data
Accessibility-based characters
Cluster analysis
Trial of clustering on OpenMap and MasterMap data
Clustering model selection matrix
Generate Spatial Signatures across GB
Second-level signatures
Create canonical labels attached to tessellation
Form-based signatures across GB
Second-level form signatures
Function-based signatures across GB
Second-level function signatures
Signature exploration
Plot signatures
Exploration of top-level clusters
Cluster exploration and feature importance
Feature importance per signature type
Exploration of form-based signatures
Feature importance per form type
External validation
Comparison between Spatial Signatures and GHSL classes
Size and shape of signatures
Co-occurence analysis
Composition of signatures within TTWA boundaries
Composition of signatures within FUAs
Geographical distribution and coverage of signature types
Data product
Overview of the data product
Create a data product
Interpolation of signatures to OA and LSOA
Generate vector tiles