Feature importance per signature type

This notebooks analyses which characters are more important for each individual signature type. In other words, what makes each cluster unique compared to all the other.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import dask.dataframe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import urbangrammar_graphics as ugg
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
%time standardized_form = dask.dataframe.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/clustering_data/form/standardized/").set_index('hindex')
%time stand_fn = dask.dataframe.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/clustering_data/function/standardized/")
%time data = dask.dataframe.multi.concat([standardized_form, stand_fn], axis=1).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).fillna(0)
%time data = data.drop(columns=["keep_q1", "keep_q2", "keep_q3"])
%time data = data.compute()
CPU times: user 19.2 s, sys: 3.26 s, total: 22.5 s
Wall time: 21.4 s
CPU times: user 72.3 ms, sys: 4.09 ms, total: 76.4 ms
Wall time: 116 ms
CPU times: user 39.6 ms, sys: 7.9 ms, total: 47.5 ms
Wall time: 41.4 ms
CPU times: user 18.9 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 18.9 ms
Wall time: 18.7 ms
CPU times: user 2min 41s, sys: 1min 27s, total: 4min 8s
Wall time: 2min 45s
labels_l1 = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/clustering_data/KMeans10GB.pq")
labels_l2_9 = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/clustering_data/clustergram_cl9_labels.pq")
labels_l2_2 = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/clustering_data/subclustering_cluster2_k3.pq")
labels = labels_l1.copy()
labels.loc[labels.kmeans10gb == 9, 'kmeans10gb'] = labels_l2_9['9'].values + 90
labels.loc[labels.kmeans10gb == 2, 'kmeans10gb'] = labels_l2_2['subclustering_cluster2_k3'].values + 20

outliers = [98, 93, 96, 97]
mask = ~labels.kmeans10gb.isin(outliers)

Feature importance per cluster

array([ 4,  0,  6,  1, 21,  7,  3,  5, 90, 20,  8, 22, 98, 92, 94, 91, 95,
       96, 93, 97], dtype=int32)
imps = pd.DataFrame()
for cluster in labels.kmeans10gb.unique():
    if cluster not in outliers:
        cluster_bool = labels.loc[mask]['kmeans10gb'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == cluster else 0)

        clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42, verbose=1)
        clf = clf.fit(data.loc[mask].values, cluster_bool.values)

        importances = pd.Series(clf.feature_importances_, index=data.columns).sort_values(ascending=False)

        imps[f'cluster_{cluster}'] = importances.head(50).index.values
        imps[f'cluster_{cluster}_vals'] = importances.head(50).values
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed: 13.6min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed: 10.4min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  5.8min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  6.6min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  6.0min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  7.9min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  6.5min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  6.6min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  6.4min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  7.3min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  5.9min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  7.5min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  6.3min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  3.4min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  1.9min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  2.0min finished
chars = [c for c in imps.columns if 'vals' not in c]
cluster_0 cluster_1 cluster_20 cluster_21 cluster_22 cluster_3 cluster_4 cluster_5 cluster_6 cluster_7 cluster_8 cluster_90 cluster_91 cluster_92 cluster_94 cluster_95
0 sicCAR_q1 ltcWRE_q3 ssbCCM_q2 stbCeA_q1 sdbPer_q2 ldsAre_q1 sdcLAL_q1 ssbElo_q1 lcnClo_q3 mdcAre_q2 linPDE_q2 sdbPer_q2 sdbAre_q1 ssbCCD_q2 ssbERI_q2 sicCAR_q2
1 sicCAR_q2 ltcRea_q3 ssbCCM_q3 linP4W_q2 ssbCCM_q2 mdsAre_q1 sicCAR_q2 ssbCCM_q3 lcnClo_q2 sicCAR_q2 lcdMes_q3 ssbERI_q1 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2 ssbCCM_q2 ssbCCM_q2 C. Manufacturing_q2
2 ltbIBD_q2 ltcAre_q2 sdbAre_q3 stbCeA_q2 sdbPer_q3 sddAre_q2 sicCAR_q1 ssbElo_q2 ldePer_q1 mtdMDi_q2 lcdMes_q2 ssbCCM_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... ssbSqu_q3 ssbCCD_q2 R, S, T, U. Other_q2
3 sdcAre_q2 sdcAre_q2 population_q3 ldeAre_q2 sdbAre_q2 sicCAR_q2 sdcAre_q2 ssbCCo_q1 ldeAre_q2 sicCAR_q1 ssbERI_q1 ssbSqu_q3 R, S, T, U. Other_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... ssbCor_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2
4 sddAre_q2 misCel_q1 sdbPer_q2 stcOri_q2 population_q3 lddNDe_q3 mtcWNe_q3 ssbCCD_q2 lcnClo_q1 mdsAre_q1 ssbCCo_q1 sdbAre_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3 sdbPer_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... sicCAR_q1
5 mtdMDi_q2 misCel_q2 sdbAre_q2 ssbERI_q1 ssbSqu_q3 mdsAre_q2 mdsAre_q1 sdbPer_q3 ltcWRE_q3 sscCCo_q2 population_q1 ssbCCD_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... sdbPer_q3 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2 C. Manufacturing_q3
6 mdsAre_q1 lisCel_q2 ldePer_q1 linP4W_q1 ssbCCD_q3 sicCAR_q1 ltcAre_q1 sdsSPW_q2 linP4W_q2 mdcAre_q1 ssbElo_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... C. Manufacturing_q2 sdbAre_q2 sdbPer_q2 ssbCCM_q2
7 Code_18_112_q2 mtcWNe_q1 lteOri_q2 ldePer_q1 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... ldeAre_q2 sdcAre_q3 ssbCCo_q2 sddAre_q1 sisBpM_q2 mdsAre_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2 sdbPer_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2 ssbSqu_q3 sdbPer_q2
8 mtcWNe_q2 ltcAre_q1 sdbPer_q3 linPDE_q1 ssbERI_q1 lseCWA_q3 mtbNDi_q2 ltcAre_q1 sddAre_q2 ltcAre_q1 sdsAre_q3 sdbPer_q3 ssbCCM_q2 ssbCor_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... sdsSPO_q2
9 sdcLAL_q2 lisCel_q1 ldeAre_q1 lteOri_q1 R, S, T, U. Other_q2 sdcAre_q2 ltbIBD_q2 sdbPer_q2 ltcWRE_q2 sddAre_q3 ssbCCo_q2 sdbAre_q1 Code_18_211_q1 ssbCCD_q3 ssbCCM_q1 mean_q3
10 mtbNDi_q2 sicCAR_q1 stcOri_q3 sdbPer_q3 sdbPer_q1 lisCel_q1 ltcWRE_q1 mtbNDi_q3 lcdMes_q3 mdsAre_q3 linPDE_q1 R, S, T, U. Other_q3 ssbCCD_q1 ssbERI_q1 ssbCCD_q3 ssbSqu_q1
11 ltcAre_q1 ssbERI_q1 stbCeA_q2 stbOri_q2 sdbAre_q3 ssbElo_q2 mtcWNe_q2 ltbIBD_q3 ldeAre_q1 sdsAre_q3 stcOri_q2 ssbCCD_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q1 ssbSqu_q2 F. Construction_q3 sdbAre_q1
12 mdcAre_q2 sdcLAL_q3 ssbCCo_q1 ssbCCo_q3 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... ltcWRE_q1 sdcLAL_q2 ltcWRE_q2 linP4W_q1 mdsAre_q2 stbOri_q2 H, J. Transport and communication_q1 sscCCo_q3 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... F. Construction_q2 H, J. Transport and communication_q3
13 sdsAre_q2 ltcRea_q1 stcOri_q2 ssbCCD_q2 ssbCCM_q3 stbSAl_q2 mtbNDi_q3 population_q3 sdsAre_q2 mtbNDi_q3 ssbCCD_q2 ssbERI_q2 F. Construction_q3 F. Construction_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... R, S, T, U. Other_q1
14 mtcWNe_q3 sisBpM_q3 stbOri_q2 sdbAre_q2 mean_q1 stbCeA_q1 mdcAre_q2 ltcWRE_q1 stbCeA_q2 sdcAre_q2 ssbElo_q1 ssbCor_q3 H, J. Transport and communication_q2 ssbCCM_q3 sicCAR_q3 ssbCCD_q1
15 sisBpM_q3 ldsMSL_q1 stbOri_q1 population_q2 ssbCCM_q1 sddAre_q3 sisBpM_q3 sdsSPW_q3 ldsCDL_q3 sscERI_q2 mdsAre_q3 ssbSqu_q2 sicCAR_q3 ssbERI_q2 mtbAli_q2 sisBpM_q3
16 sicCAR_q3 sdsSWD_q3 lcdMes_q2 ssbCCM_q3 ssbERI_q2 ltcWRE_q2 sisBpM_q1 ltbIBD_q1 mtdMDi_q1 sscERI_q1 lteOri_q1 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3 ssbERI_q2 ssbCor_q2 R, S, T, U. Other_q3 sdcAre_q1
17 sdcLAL_q1 ssbCCo_q1 sicCAR_q3 lteWNB_q2 ssbCCD_q2 lisCel_q2 ltcWRE_q2 sicCAR_q2 mtcWNe_q3 linWID_q1 mtcWNe_q1 misCel_q3 F. Construction_q2 R, S, T, U. Other_q3 sdcAre_q1 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he...
18 mtdMDi_q1 ssbCCM_q2 stcOri_q1 stbOri_q1 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... lddNDe_q2 ltcAre_q2 night_lights_q1 lcdMes_q2 population_q1 sscCCo_q2 sdbAre_q3 A, B, D, E. Agriculture, energy and water_q3 sdbAre_q3 mean_q1 H, J. Transport and communication_q2
19 ldsAre_q2 sdcLAL_q1 stbCeA_q1 ssbElo_q3 sdbAre_q1 stbCeA_q2 sscERI_q2 mtcWNe_q2 sdcLAL_q1 sdcAre_q3 stcOri_q1 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... lseCWA_q1 mean_q1 ssbSqu_q1 A, B, D, E. Agriculture, energy and water_q2
20 sdsSPO_q1 linPDE_q3 mean_q1 ssbCCM_q2 sicCAR_q3 linWID_q1 mtdMDi_q3 linP3W_q3 mtdMDi_q2 population_q3 stcOri_q3 misCel_q2 linP4W_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... H, J. Transport and communication_q2 ltcAre_q3
21 ltbIBD_q1 misCel_q3 stbOri_q3 lcdMes_q3 R, S, T, U. Other_q3 sssLin_q2 sdsSPO_q2 sdsSWD_q3 ltcWRE_q1 mtdMDi_q3 population_q2 mean_q1 R, S, T, U. Other_q1 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3 ssbSqu_q2 ldsCDL_q2
22 sdsLen_q2 sdcAre_q3 ldeAre_q2 lcdMes_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2 ssbCCo_q1 sdcAre_q1 ssbERI_q1 ldsAre_q2 sdsSPO_q2 lcdMes_q1 ldePer_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... sicCAR_q3 R, S, T, U. Other_q1 mdcAre_q2
23 mtbNDi_q3 lisCel_q3 sddAre_q3 ltcWRE_q3 night_lights_q3 mtdMDi_q3 sisBpM_q2 ssbCCo_q3 sdcAre_q1 stbCeA_q1 stbOri_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... A, B, D, E. Agriculture, energy and water_q2 ssbCCD_q1 C. Manufacturing_q2 H, J. Transport and communication_q1
24 lddNDe_q2 sdsSWD_q2 lteOri_q1 lteOri_q2 ssbCor_q3 ldePer_q1 Code_18_231_q1 linP3W_q2 population_q2 sdcLAL_q2 ssbCCo_q3 ssbCCM_q1 linP4W_q1 misCel_q3 ssbCCM_q3 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q1
25 sisBpM_q2 stbSAl_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3 stbSAl_q3 ltcAre_q3 sicCAR_q3 lseCWA_q1 linWID_q2 ldsCDL_q1 ssbCCM_q3 H, J. Transport and communication_q3 sscERI_q3 sdbAre_q1 ldsAre_q1
26 ldsAre_q1 ssbElo_q1 ssbCCD_q3 linPDE_q3 population_q2 misCel_q2 ldsCDL_q1 mtcWNe_q3 linWID_q2 ltcWRE_q2 ssbCCM_q3 H, J. Transport and communication_q3 linP3W_q3 R, S, T, U. Other_q2 lseCWA_q2 ldeAre_q1
27 sdsAre_q1 ssbCCo_q2 ltcAre_q1 population_q3 night_lights_q2 ssbERI_q1 mdsAre_q3 stbCeA_q1 ssbCCM_q1 sscCCo_q1 linPDE_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... R, S, T, U. Other_q3 H, J. Transport and communication_q3 Code_18_111_q2 listed_counts
28 sdcAre_q3 stbCeA_q1 linP4W_q2 stcOri_q3 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... ldePer_q2 mean_q3 linP4W_q2 lteWNB_q1 sddAre_q2 sscCCo_q1 ssbElo_q1 sicCAR_q2 sdcAre_q3 sdbAre_q2 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession...
29 ldsMSL_q2 mdcAre_q2 linP4W_q3 lcdMes_q1 ltcWRE_q2 ldsMSL_q2 Code_18_231_q2 ltcWRE_q3 linP4W_q3 ltcWRE_q1 stbOri_q1 Code_18_111_q3 ssbCCM_q1 Code_18_111_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3 mtbNDi_q3
30 mdsAre_q2 ldeAre_q2 ssbSqu_q1 misCel_q2 sicCAR_q2 linPDE_q3 ldsCDL_q2 linPDE_q2 linPDE_q2 ssbCCM_q3 linP4W_q2 listed_counts sdsSWD_q1 ssbSqu_q1 ssbCCD_q1 mtcWNe_q3
31 ltcAre_q3 linPDE_q2 lcnClo_q2 stbOri_q3 lcnClo_q3 linWID_q2 Code_18_211_q3 ldePer_q1 ldePer_q2 sdsSPO_q1 ssbElo_q3 H, J. Transport and communication_q2 ssbSqu_q1 H, J. Transport and communication_q2 R, S, T, U. Other_q2 stcOri_q2
32 sdsSPO_q2 ssbCCo_q3 R, S, T, U. Other_q3 stcOri_q1 ssbCCo_q3 ssbCCo_q2 sicCAR_q3 stbCeA_q3 sdsSPW_q3 night_lights_q1 lteOri_q2 R, S, T, U. Other_q2 mdcAre_q3 Code_18_111_q3 lisCel_q2 sisBpM_q2
33 mdcAre_q1 sisBpM_q2 ssbERI_q1 linP4W_q3 ssbCCo_q2 lseERI_q2 night_lights_q2 ldsCDL_q1 linPDE_q3 ssbCCo_q1 ssbSqu_q3 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... ltcAre_q1 lseCWA_q1 H, J. Transport and communication_q3 ssbCCD_q3
34 lddNDe_q3 stbCeA_q3 sdcAre_q2 ssbSqu_q1 linP4W_q2 sdsSPO_q3 Code_18_211_q2 mdcAre_q2 ssbERI_q1 sdsLen_q1 lddNDe_q2 population_q3 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... ssbCCM_q1 mtbNDi_q3 sscCCo_q3
35 ltcAre_q2 lcdMes_q2 linPDE_q3 ldeAre_q1 ldePer_q1 stbCeA_q3 mtbNDi_q1 listed_counts sdsSWD_q3 ltbIBD_q2 linWID_q1 night_lights_q3 sdcLAL_q3 ltcAre_q1 sicCAR_q1 sssLin_q3
36 mean_q1 stcOri_q3 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... lcnClo_q3 population_q1 ssbCCD_q2 ldsCDL_q3 night_lights_q2 ssbCCo_q2 night_lights_q2 sisBpM_q2 population_q2 ldsCDL_q1 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q1 A, B, D, E. Agriculture, energy and water_q2 sdsSWD_q1
37 sscERI_q1 ssbCCM_q3 sicCAR_q2 sdbAre_q3 ldeAre_q1 sdsAre_q2 mean_q2 ldeAre_q1 sdbAre_q1 ltbIBD_q3 ssbSqu_q2 R, S, T, U. Other_q1 sdsSPW_q3 ssbElo_q2 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession...
38 night_lights_q2 sisBpM_q1 sdsSPW_q2 ssbCCo_q2 night_lights_q1 stbSAl_q1 sdsAre_q3 sdsSPW_q1 mtdMDi_q3 stbCeA_q2 mtdMDi_q2 Code_18_111_q2 ssbERI_q1 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... H, J. Transport and communication_q1 lseERI_q3
39 sscCCo_q3 ssbElo_q3 stbCeA_q3 sdbPer_q2 ssbSqu_q2 ssbElo_q1 mdcAre_q1 sdsAre_q3 sdcLAL_q2 sdsAre_q2 F. Construction_q1 ssbSqu_q1 lisCel_q2 sdbAre_q1 sdbAre_q3 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q3
40 ltbIBD_q3 ltcRea_q2 linP4W_q1 lisCel_q2 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q1 mdcAre_q3 sdsSPO_q1 stbOri_q2 linWID_q1 mtbNDi_q2 ssbERI_q2 ssbCCo_q1 ssbSqu_q3 ssbERI_q3 sdbPer_q1 R, S, T, U. Other_q3
41 stbCeA_q1 ssbElo_q2 night_lights_q1 ssbCCo_q1 lcnClo_q2 lseCWA_q2 ltbIBD_q1 stcOri_q3 misCel_q2 mean_q2 lddNDe_q3 sscERI_q2 mtcWNe_q2 listed_counts lcnClo_q3 ssbElo_q2
42 mtbNDi_q1 ltcWRE_q1 stbSAl_q2 ssbElo_q2 ssbCCo_q1 ssbSqu_q2 sdcLAL_q3 sddAre_q3 stcOri_q3 sscCCo_q3 lddNDe_q1 mean_q3 sdbAre_q3 lcnClo_q1 sicCAR_q2 F. Construction_q2
43 sisBpM_q1 stbSAl_q1 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q2 mdcAre_q2 F. Construction_q2 ssbElo_q3 Code_18_231_q3 ssbElo_q3 sssLin_q2 sdbPer_q3 mdsAre_q1 night_lights_q1 lseCCo_q3 sdbPer_q1 mtcWNe_q3 lieWCe_q1
44 mean_q2 mtdMDi_q1 night_lights_q2 night_lights_q1 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... mdsAre_q3 K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, profession... sdsSWD_q2 misCel_q1 lddNDe_q1 sdbPer_q3 ssbCCo_q3 misCel_q1 sisBpM_q3 ssbERI_q1 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he...
45 linWID_q2 stbOri_q3 ssbCCo_q2 ssbElo_q1 R, S, T, U. Other_q1 population_q3 lcnClo_q1 linWID_q1 stcOri_q2 sdbPer_q2 sscCCo_q3 culture_nearest nearest_water lcdMes_q1 sssLin_q3 ldsAre_q3
46 Code_18_211_q2 ltcWRE_q2 ldePer_q2 lteOri_q3 H, J. Transport and communication_q2 ssbCCo_q3 mdcAre_q3 linP4W_q3 sdbPer_q1 ldsAre_q3 population_q3 sdsSWD_q2 ldsCDL_q3 night_lights_q2 ldsAre_q1 F. Construction_q3
47 ltcWRE_q2 sssLin_q2 lcnClo_q3 lcnClo_q2 C. Manufacturing_q2 ldsMSL_q1 ldeAre_q3 stcOri_q2 lisCel_q1 ssbElo_q1 ssbSqu_q1 F. Construction_q2 stcOri_q2 sicCAR_q2 mtbNDi_q2 ltbIBD_q3
48 mtcWNe_q1 ldeAre_q1 sdcLAL_q3 sisBpM_q1 lcnClo_q1 lddNDe_q1 ldePer_q3 sdsSWD_q1 sisBpM_q2 mtcWNe_q1 sscERI_q3 G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants_q1 ssbCCD_q2 O,P,Q. Public administration, education and he... misCel_q2 sicCAR_q3
49 ldsAre_q3 lcdMes_q1 ltcWRE_q2 stbSAl_q2 ldeAre_q2 misCel_q1 ldeAre_q2 linPDE_q3 stbOri_q2 sdsAre_q1 lteOri_q3 mtbAli_q2 C. Manufacturing_q3 population_q2 sdbCoA_q3 sdbCoA_q3
ims = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/clustering_data/per_cluster_importance.pq")
Index(['cluster_4', 'cluster_0', 'cluster_6', 'cluster_1', 'cluster_21',
       'cluster_7', 'cluster_3', 'cluster_5', 'cluster_90', 'cluster_20',
       'cluster_8', 'cluster_22', 'cluster_92', 'cluster_94', 'cluster_91',
n_chars = 10
names = ims[[c for c in ims.columns if "_vals" not in c]].head(n_chars)
values = ims[[c for c in ims.columns if "_vals" in c]].head(n_chars)
coded = {
    'population': 'func_population',
    'night_lights': 'func_night_lights',
    'A, B, D, E. Agriculture, energy and water': 'func_workplace_abde',
    'C. Manufacturing': 'func_workplace_c',
    'F. Construction': 'func_workplace_f',
    'G, I. Distribution, hotels and restaurants': 'func_workplace_gi',
    'H, J. Transport and communication': 'func_workplace_hj',
    'K, L, M, N. Financial, real estate, professional and administrative activities': 'func_workplace_klmn',
    'O,P,Q. Public administration, education and health': 'func_workplace_opq',
    'R, S, T, U. Other': 'func_workplace_rstu',
    'Code_18_124': 'func_corine_124',
    'Code_18_211': 'func_corine_211',
    'Code_18_121': 'func_corine_121',
    'Code_18_421': 'func_corine_421',
    'Code_18_522': 'func_corine_522',
    'Code_18_142': 'func_corine_142',
    'Code_18_141': 'func_corine_141',
    'Code_18_112': 'func_corine_112',
    'Code_18_231': 'func_corine_231',
    'Code_18_311': 'func_corine_311',
    'Code_18_131': 'func_corine_131',
    'Code_18_123': 'func_corine_123',
    'Code_18_122': 'func_corine_122',
    'Code_18_512': 'func_corine_512',
    'Code_18_243': 'func_corine_243',
    'Code_18_313': 'func_corine_313',
    'Code_18_412': 'func_corine_412',
    'Code_18_321': 'func_corine_321',
    'Code_18_322': 'func_corine_322',
    'Code_18_324': 'func_corine_324',
    'Code_18_111': 'func_corine_111',
    'Code_18_423': 'func_corine_423',
    'Code_18_523': 'func_corine_523',
    'Code_18_312': 'func_corine_312',
    'Code_18_133': 'func_corine_133',
    'Code_18_333': 'func_corine_333',
    'Code_18_332': 'func_corine_332',
    'Code_18_411': 'func_corine_411',
    'Code_18_132': 'func_corine_132',
    'Code_18_222': 'func_corine_222',
    'Code_18_242': 'func_corine_242',
    'Code_18_331': 'func_corine_331',
    'Code_18_511': 'func_corine_511',
    'Code_18_334': 'func_corine_334',
    'Code_18_244': 'func_corine_244',
    'Code_18_521': 'func_corine_521',
    'mean': 'func_ndvi',
    'supermarkets_nearest': 'func_supermarkets_nearest',
    'supermarkets_counts': 'func_supermarkets_counts',
    'listed_nearest': 'func_listed_nearest',
    'listed_counts': 'func_listed_counts',
    'fhrs_nearest': 'func_fhrs_nearest',
    'fhrs_counts': 'func_fhrs_counts',
    'culture_nearest': 'func_culture_nearest',
    'culture_counts': 'func_culture_counts',
    'nearest_water': 'func_water_nearest',
    'nearest_retail_centre': 'func_retail_centrenearest',
    'sdbAre': 'form_sdbAre',
    'sdbPer': 'form_sdbPer',
    'sdbCoA': 'form_sdbCoA',
    'ssbCCo': 'form_ssbCCo',
    'ssbCor': 'form_ssbCor',
    'ssbSqu': 'form_ssbSqu',
    'ssbERI': 'form_ssbERI',
    'ssbElo': 'form_ssbElo',
    'ssbCCM': 'form_ssbCCM',
    'ssbCCD': 'form_ssbCCD',
    'stbOri': 'form_stbOri',
    'sdcLAL': 'form_sdcLAL',
    'sdcAre': 'form_sdcAre',
    'sscCCo': 'form_sscCCo',
    'sscERI': 'form_sscERI',
    'stcOri': 'form_stcOri',
    'sicCAR': 'form_sicCAR',
    'stbCeA': 'form_stbCeA',
    'mtbAli': 'form_mtbAli',
    'mtbNDi': 'form_mtbNDi',
    'mtcWNe': 'form_mtcWNe',
    'mdcAre': 'form_mdcAre',
    'ltcWRE': 'form_ltcWRE',
    'ltbIBD': 'form_ltbIBD',
    'sdsSPW': 'form_sdsSPW',
    'sdsSWD': 'form_sdsSWD',
    'sdsSPO': 'form_sdsSPO',
    'sdsLen': 'form_sdsLen',
    'sssLin': 'form_sssLin',
    'ldsMSL': 'form_ldsMSL',
    'mtdDeg': 'form_mtdDeg',
    'lcdMes': 'form_lcdMes',
    'linP3W': 'form_linP3W',
    'linP4W': 'form_linP4W',
    'linPDE': 'form_linPDE',
    'lcnClo': 'form_lcnClo',
    'ldsCDL': 'form_ldsCDL',
    'xcnSCl': 'form_xcnSCl',
    'mtdMDi': 'form_mtdMDi',
    'lddNDe': 'form_lddNDe',
    'linWID': 'form_linWID',
    'stbSAl': 'form_stbSAl',
    'sddAre': 'form_sddAre',
    'sdsAre': 'form_sdsAre',
    'sisBpM': 'form_sisBpM',
    'misCel': 'form_misCel',
    'mdsAre': 'form_mdsAre',
    'lisCel': 'form_lisCel',
    'ldsAre': 'form_ldsAre',
    'ltcRea': 'form_ltcRea',
    'ltcAre': 'form_ltcAre',
    'ldeAre': 'form_ldeAre',
    'ldePer': 'form_ldePer',
    'lseCCo': 'form_lseCCo',
    'lseERI': 'form_lseERI',
    'lseCWA': 'form_lseCWA',
    'lteOri': 'form_lteOri',
    'lteWNB': 'form_lteWNB',
    'lieWCe': 'form_lieWCe',
types = {
    0: "Countryside agriculture",
    1: "Accessible suburbia",
    3: "Open sprawl",
    4: "Wild countryside",
    5: "Warehouse/Park land",
    6: "Gridded residential quarters",
    7: "Urban buffer",
    8: "Disconnected suburbia",
    20: "Dense residential neighbourhoods",
    21: "Connected residential neighbourhoods",
    22: "Dense urban neighbourhoods",
    90: "Local urbanity",
    91: "Concentrated urbanity",
    92: "Regional urbanity",
    94: "Metropolitan urbanity",
    95: "Hyper concentrated urbanity",
    93: "outlier",
    96: "outlier",
    97: "outlier",
    98: "outlier",
def cmap(name):
    if "_q" in name:
        name = name[:-3]
    if coded[name][:4] == "form":
        return ugg.COLORS[1]
    if coded[name][:4] == "func":
        return ugg.COLORS[4]
    raise ValueError()
x = np.repeat(np.arange(0, 16), n_chars)
y = np.tile(np.arange(0, n_chars), 16) * - 1
colors = names.applymap(cmap).values.T.flatten()
alpha = values.values.T.flatten() / values.values.T.flatten().max()
ticks = [types[int(c[8:])] for c in names.columns]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, n_chars))
ax.scatter(x, y, alpha=alpha, color=colors, marker="s", s=2500)
# ax.set_axis_off()
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 16), ticks, rotation='vertical')
plt.yticks([0, -9], ["top predictor", "10th predictor"])
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
# plt.savefig("figs/feature_imp_10.pdf")