External validation

This notebook compares classifiction of Great Britain using spatial signatures with three other classifications - WorldPop urban footprints, MODUM and Copernicus Urban Atlas. This comparison serves as an external validation of signatures.

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import xarray
import rioxarray
import rasterstats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
import tobler
import dask_geopandas
import urbangrammar_graphics as ugg
from shapely.geometry import box

from download import download
from geocube.api.core import make_geocube
def cramers_v(confusion_matrix):
    chi2 = sp.stats.chi2_contingency(confusion_matrix)[0]
    n = confusion_matrix.sum().sum()
    phi2 = chi2/n
    r,k = confusion_matrix.shape
    phi2corr = max(0, phi2-((k-1)*(r-1))/(n-1))
    rcorr = r-((r-1)**2)/(n-1)
    kcorr = k-((k-1)**2)/(n-1)
    return np.sqrt(phi2corr/min((kcorr-1),(rcorr-1)))

WorldPop urban classification

Download and read data.

soton_path = download("https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/446482/1/GB_100m_mbclust6_3x3maj.tif",
Replace is False and data exists, so doing nothing. Use replace=True to re-download the data.
soton = rioxarray.open_rasterio("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/B_100m_mbclust6_3x3maj.tif")
signatures = gpd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/signatures/signatures_combined_levels_simplified.pq")
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)


CRS.from_wkt('PROJCS["Airy_1830_Transverse_Mercator",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based upon the Airy 1830 ellipsoid",DATUM["unknown",SPHEROID["Airy 1830",6377563.396,299.3249646,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7001"]]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",49],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-2],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996012717],PARAMETER["false_easting",400000],PARAMETER["false_northing",-100000],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH]]')
soton_osgb = soton.rio.reproject("EPSG:27700")

Get signature type as float.

signatures.signature_type = (signatures.kmeans10gb * 10) + signatures.level2
kmeans10gb geometry level2 signature_type
0 0 POLYGON ((62219.999 798499.999, 62109.999 7985... 0.0 0.0
1 0 POLYGON ((63507.682 796515.168, 63471.096 7965... 0.0 0.0
2 0 POLYGON ((65953.174 802246.171, 65523.864 8023... 0.0 0.0
3 0 POLYGON ((67297.740 803435.799, 67220.290 8034... 0.0 0.0
4 0 POLYGON ((75760.000 852669.999, 75699.999 8527... 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ...
96699 9 POLYGON ((323321.005 463795.415, 323236.741 46... 8.0 98.0
96700 9 POLYGON ((325929.840 1008792.060, 325890.989 1... 8.0 98.0
96701 9 POLYGON ((337804.769 1013422.582, 337547.855 1... 8.0 98.0
96702 9 POLYGON ((422304.270 1147826.989, 422296.000 1... 8.0 98.0
96703 9 POLYGON ((525396.260 439215.479, 525360.919 43... 8.0 98.0

96704 rows × 4 columns

Rasterise signatures.

signatures_raster = make_geocube(signatures, measurements=["signature_type"], like=soton_osgb)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
CPU times: user 19.2 s, sys: 772 ms, total: 20 s
Wall time: 20 s

Save raster to file.

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)

Create cross tabulation. There may be a smarter way but this one works.

spsig_vals = signatures.signature_type.unique()
soton_vals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15]
crosstab = pd.DataFrame(columns=soton_vals, index=spsig_vals)

for sps, so in product(spsig_vals, soton_vals):
    crosstab.loc[sps, so] =  np.logical_and(signatures_raster.signature_type == sps, soton_osgb[0] == so).data.sum()
1 2 3 4 5 6 15
0.0 245644 261108 92204 63004 28364 72865 8622602
10.0 168 322 106061 31752 2523 52230 31393
30.0 2192 2879 118522 73965 20202 102378 187853
40.0 86139 72260 3923 5522 5364 5755 8951880
50.0 1714 1596 10016 47775 25739 42455 116893
60.0 2 3 2845 10010 937 10284 2044
70.0 62430 77909 214575 92106 35194 116073 2560377
80.0 5 42 18644 16477 1089 30128 4621
20.0 35 50 3052 37679 8640 30630 15670
21.0 46 35 5140 18442 2334 22985 7508
22.0 33 11 33 31936 10027 6249 8787
90.0 4 9 0 13547 7071 184 2264
91.0 0 0 0 0 709 0 86
92.0 1 0 0 1815 4964 1 888
93.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 13
94.0 3 2 0 34 1300 0 298
95.0 0 2 0 0 126 0 98
96.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
97.0 0 2 0 0 16 0 23
98.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 39
crosstab.columns = [str(c) for c in crosstab.columns]
crosstab = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/ctab_worldpop.pq")

Plot percentages.

types = {
    0: "Countryside agriculture",
    10: "Accessible suburbia",
    30: "Open sprawl",
    40: "Wild countryside",
    50: "Warehouse/Park land",
    60: "Gridded residential quarters",
    70: "Urban buffer",
    80: "Disconnected suburbia",
    20: "Dense residential neighbourhoods",
    21: "Connected residential neighbourhoods",
    22: "Dense urban neighbourhoods",
    90: "Local urbanity",
    91: "Concentrated urbanity",
    92: "Regional urbanity",
    94: "Metropolitan urbanity",
    95: "Hyper concentrated urbanity",
crosstab = crosstab.drop([x for x in crosstab.index if x not in types.keys()])
crosstab.index = [types[x] for x in crosstab.index]
1 2 3 4 5 6 15
Countryside agriculture 245644 261108 92204 63004 28364 72865 8622602
Accessible suburbia 168 322 106061 31752 2523 52230 31393
Open sprawl 2192 2879 118522 73965 20202 102378 187853
Wild countryside 86139 72260 3923 5522 5364 5755 8951880
Warehouse/Park land 1714 1596 10016 47775 25739 42455 116893
Gridded residential quarters 2 3 2845 10010 937 10284 2044
Urban buffer 62430 77909 214575 92106 35194 116073 2560377
Disconnected suburbia 5 42 18644 16477 1089 30128 4621
Dense residential neighbourhoods 35 50 3052 37679 8640 30630 15670
Connected residential neighbourhoods 46 35 5140 18442 2334 22985 7508
Dense urban neighbourhoods 33 11 33 31936 10027 6249 8787
Local urbanity 4 9 0 13547 7071 184 2264
Concentrated urbanity 0 0 0 0 709 0 86
Regional urbanity 1 0 0 1815 4964 1 888
Metropolitan urbanity 3 2 0 34 1300 0 298
Hyper concentrated urbanity 0 2 0 0 126 0 98
order = [
    "Wild countryside",
    "Countryside agriculture",
    "Urban buffer",
    "Open sprawl",
    "Disconnected suburbia",
    "Accessible suburbia",
    "Warehouse/Park land",
    "Gridded residential quarters",
    "Connected residential neighbourhoods",
    "Dense residential neighbourhoods",
    "Dense urban neighbourhoods",
    "Local urbanity",
    "Regional urbanity",
    "Metropolitan urbanity",
    "Concentrated urbanity",
    "Hyper concentrated urbanity",
crosstab = crosstab.loc[order]
crosstab.columns.name = "WorldPop class"
crosstab.index.name = "Spatial Signature type"
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
sns.heatmap(crosstab.divide(crosstab.sum(axis=1), axis=0).astype('float') * 100, cmap=sns.light_palette(ugg.HEX[2], n_colors=256), annot=True, fmt='.0f', vmax=100)
plt.savefig("crosstab_worldpop.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

Compute chi-squared

chi = sp.stats.chi2_contingency(crosstab)
print(f"chi2: {chi[0]}, p: {chi[1]}, dof: {chi[2]}, N: {crosstab.sum().sum()}")
chi2: 13341832.31867016, p: 0.0, dof: 114, N: 22993921

Compute Cramer’s V.


Results indicate moderate associtation.


Load MODUM data (manually downloaded from CDRC).

modum = gpd.read_file("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/modumew2016.zip")
0 E00044639 Sunderland North East 5 Waterside Settings POLYGON ((440611.474 558272.251, 440527.700 55...
1 E00036646 Wirral North West 4 Victorian Terraces POLYGON ((330917.000 394161.000, 330937.346 39...
2 E00092449 Cheshire West and Chester North West 5 Waterside Settings POLYGON ((339836.566 367010.434, 339864.000 36...
3 E00044638 Sunderland North East 8 Central Business District POLYGON ((440006.000 558293.000, 440091.001 55...
4 E00094441 Cheshire West and Chester North West 1 Suburban Landscapes POLYGON ((364937.770 373630.624, 364860.312 37...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
181403 E00175248 Westminster London 8 Central Business District POLYGON ((529580.098 179194.237, 529586.108 17...
181404 E00169799 Leeds Yorkshire and The Humber 8 Central Business District POLYGON ((428969.394 433302.516, 428964.400 43...
181405 E00115865 Gosport South East 5 Waterside Settings POLYGON ((461450.326 98059.723, 461404.687 981...
181406 E00175716 Birmingham West Midlands 8 Central Business District POLYGON ((406120.776 286455.941, 406119.217 28...
181407 E00086517 Portsmouth South East 8 Central Business District POLYGON ((464507.745 99838.197, 464507.715 998...

181408 rows × 6 columns

Load ET celss with signature type label as Dask GeoDataFrame.

cells = dask_geopandas.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/signatures/signatures_combined_tessellation/")
Dask-GeoPandas GeoDataFrame Structure:
hindex geometry signature_type
object geometry int32
... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Dask Name: read-parquet, 103 tasks

Interpolate MODUM classes to ET cells.

def _join_modum(ch):
    tb = ch.total_bounds
    modum_ch = modum.cx[tb[0]:tb[2], tb[1]:tb[3]]
    return tobler.area_weighted.area_join(modum_ch, ch, ["CLUSTER_CO"])

meta = tobler.area_weighted.area_join(modum, cells._meta, ["CLUSTER_CO"])

modum_joined = cells.map_partitions(_join_modum, meta=meta)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:3357: UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: None
Right CRS: EPSG:27700

  if (await self.run_code(code, result,  async_=asy)):

Select only subset of data needed for crosstab.

modum_data = modum_joined[["signature_type", "CLUSTER_CO"]]

Compute Dask-based steps.

modum_data = modum_data.compute()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tobler/area_weighted/area_join.py:63: UserWarning: Cannot preserve dtype of 'CLUSTER_CO'. Falling back to `dtype=object`.
CPU times: user 2h 38min 50s, sys: 20min 41s, total: 2h 59min 31s
Wall time: 38min 10s
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
signature_type CLUSTER_CO
0 6 3
1 6 3
2 6 3
3 6 3
4 6 3
... ... ...
139305 0 6
139306 0 6
139307 0 6
139308 0 6
139309 0 6

14539578 rows × 2 columns

Generate cross tabulation

crosstab = pd.crosstab(modum_data.signature_type, modum_data.CLUSTER_CO)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
CLUSTER_CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 69795 15802 4221 23472 182137 2476766 17319 368
1 965634 77081 4747 132642 74036 496728 35341 18402
3 732427 134316 31433 321086 269592 743994 80637 25704
4 530 179 5 275 8875 323286 66 62
5 181327 41638 4315 154154 74066 141490 21848 13472
6 55918 14731 6579 80570 9560 7671 7728 18096
7 518434 100597 27825 171963 341933 2075046 80646 6225
8 210331 30133 11048 157174 36122 68072 16956 15258
20 98914 59058 12731 147608 37505 17095 24222 57099
21 119297 28384 3409 101829 15030 11771 9894 24907
22 13726 33810 13937 75548 14257 3575 13439 59140
90 815 10831 11178 11802 3613 823 4803 35536
91 0 10 1099 0 0 0 41 238
92 94 1870 4779 542 427 26 1603 8812
93 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
94 0 258 1699 6 0 3 303 1090
95 3 0 239 0 0 2 18 1
96 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
97 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
98 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
crosstab = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/ctab_modum.pq")
Index(['0', '1', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '20', '21', '22', '90', '91',
       '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98'],
      dtype='object', name='signature_type')
types = {
    0: "Countryside agriculture",
    1: "Accessible suburbia",
    3: "Open sprawl",
    4: "Wild countryside",
    5: "Warehouse/Park land",
    6: "Gridded residential quarters",
    7: "Urban buffer",
    8: "Disconnected suburbia",
    20: "Dense residential neighbourhoods",
    21: "Connected residential neighbourhoods",
    22: "Dense urban neighbourhoods",
    90: "Local urbanity",
    91: "Concentrated urbanity",
    92: "Regional urbanity",
    94: "Metropolitan urbanity",
    95: "Hyper concentrated urbanity",
crosstab = crosstab.drop([x for x in crosstab.index if int(x) not in types.keys()])
crosstab.index = [types[int(x)] for x in crosstab.index]
CLUSTER_CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Countryside agriculture 69795 15802 4221 23472 182137 2476766 17319 368
Accessible suburbia 965634 77081 4747 132642 74036 496728 35341 18402
Open sprawl 732427 134316 31433 321086 269592 743994 80637 25704
Wild countryside 530 179 5 275 8875 323286 66 62
Warehouse/Park land 181327 41638 4315 154154 74066 141490 21848 13472
Gridded residential quarters 55918 14731 6579 80570 9560 7671 7728 18096
Urban buffer 518434 100597 27825 171963 341933 2075046 80646 6225
Disconnected suburbia 210331 30133 11048 157174 36122 68072 16956 15258
Dense residential neighbourhoods 98914 59058 12731 147608 37505 17095 24222 57099
Connected residential neighbourhoods 119297 28384 3409 101829 15030 11771 9894 24907
Dense urban neighbourhoods 13726 33810 13937 75548 14257 3575 13439 59140
Local urbanity 815 10831 11178 11802 3613 823 4803 35536
Concentrated urbanity 0 10 1099 0 0 0 41 238
Regional urbanity 94 1870 4779 542 427 26 1603 8812
Metropolitan urbanity 0 258 1699 6 0 3 303 1090
Hyper concentrated urbanity 3 0 239 0 0 2 18 1
crosstab = crosstab.loc[order]
CLUSTER_CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Wild countryside 530 179 5 275 8875 323286 66 62
Countryside agriculture 69795 15802 4221 23472 182137 2476766 17319 368
Urban buffer 518434 100597 27825 171963 341933 2075046 80646 6225
Open sprawl 732427 134316 31433 321086 269592 743994 80637 25704
Disconnected suburbia 210331 30133 11048 157174 36122 68072 16956 15258
Accessible suburbia 965634 77081 4747 132642 74036 496728 35341 18402
Warehouse/Park land 181327 41638 4315 154154 74066 141490 21848 13472
Gridded residential quarters 55918 14731 6579 80570 9560 7671 7728 18096
Connected residential neighbourhoods 119297 28384 3409 101829 15030 11771 9894 24907
Dense residential neighbourhoods 98914 59058 12731 147608 37505 17095 24222 57099
Dense urban neighbourhoods 13726 33810 13937 75548 14257 3575 13439 59140
Local urbanity 815 10831 11178 11802 3613 823 4803 35536
Regional urbanity 94 1870 4779 542 427 26 1603 8812
Metropolitan urbanity 0 258 1699 6 0 3 303 1090
Concentrated urbanity 0 10 1099 0 0 0 41 238
Hyper concentrated urbanity 3 0 239 0 0 2 18 1
names = [
    "Suburban Landscapes",
    "Railway Buzz",
    "The Old Town",
    "Victorian Terraces",
    "Waterside Settings",
    "Countryside Sceneries",
    "High Street and Promenades",
    "Central Business District",
crosstab.columns = names
crosstab.columns.name = 'MODUM class'
crosstab.index.name = "Spatial Signature type"

Plot percentages.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
sns.heatmap(crosstab.divide(crosstab.sum(axis=1), axis=0).astype('float') * 100, cmap=sns.light_palette(ugg.HEX[2], n_colors=256), annot=True, fmt='.0f', vmax=100)
plt.savefig("crosstab_modum.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

Compute chi-squared

chi = sp.stats.chi2_contingency(crosstab)
print(f"chi2: {chi[0]}, p: {chi[1]}, dof: {chi[2]}, N: {crosstab.sum().sum()}")
chi2: 13938867.969895832, p: 0.0, dof: 152, N: 13067584
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)

Compute Cramer’s V.

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)

Results indicate moderate associtation.

Urban Atlas

Link is no longer valid and needs to be generated at https://land.copernicus.eu/local/urban-atlas/urban-atlas-2018/. The zip contains the full UK classification.

urban_atlas_path = download("https://land.copernicus.eu/land-files/f0dd642f9db5ca4de46b3cc955de135503446c43.zip",
                      '../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/urban_atlas/', kind="zip")
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
Creating data folder...
Downloading data from https://land.copernicus.eu/land-files/f0dd642f9db5ca4de46b3cc955de135503446c43.zip (2.50 GB)

file_sizes: 100%|██████████████████████████| 2.68G/2.68G [00:42<00:00, 63.5MB/s]
Extracting zip file...
Successfully downloaded / unzipped to ../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/urban_atlas/
urban_atlas_path = '../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/urban_atlas/'
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
import zipfile
from glob import glob

# zip file handler  
a = zipfile.ZipFile(glob(urban_atlas_path + '*')[0])
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
fuas = []

for file in glob(urban_atlas_path + '*'):
    a = zipfile.ZipFile(file)
    gdf = gpd.read_file(file + "!" + a.namelist()[0])
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:577: RuntimeWarning: Sequential read of iterator was interrupted. Resetting iterator. This can negatively impact the performance.
  for feature in features_lst:
urban_atlas = pd.concat(fuas)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
<Projected CRS: EPSG:3035>
Name: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- Y[north]: Northing (metre)
- X[east]: Easting (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Europe - European Union (EU) countries and candidates. Europe - onshore and offshore: Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kosovo; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway including Svalbard and Jan Mayen; Poland; Portugal including Madeira and Azores; Romania; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain including Canary Islands; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; United Kingdom (UK) including Channel Islands and Isle of Man; Vatican City State.
- bounds: (-35.58, 24.6, 44.83, 84.17)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: Europe Equal Area 2001
- method: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Datum: European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
urban_atlas = urban_atlas.to_crs(27700)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
urban_atlas = urban_atlas[urban_atlas.class_2018 != "Other roads and associated land"]
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
country fua_name fua_code code_2018 class_2018 prod_date identifier perimeter area comment geometry
0 UK Norwich UK566L1 12100 Industrial, commercial, public, military and p... 2020-02 6191-UK566L1 395.405063 9578.604245 None MULTIPOLYGON (((620644.028 307123.158, 620624....
1 UK Norwich UK566L1 12100 Industrial, commercial, public, military and p... 2020-02 6276-UK566L1 344.502008 5999.177060 None MULTIPOLYGON (((625449.063 309572.394, 625436....
2 UK Norwich UK566L1 12100 Industrial, commercial, public, military and p... 2020-02 6319-UK566L1 408.686684 11324.997591 None MULTIPOLYGON (((627325.583 310096.486, 627334....
3 UK Norwich UK566L1 12100 Industrial, commercial, public, military and p... 2020-02 6346-UK566L1 219.549474 2990.227266 None MULTIPOLYGON (((618204.340 310427.862, 618222....
4 UK Norwich UK566L1 12100 Industrial, commercial, public, military and p... 2020-02 6365-UK566L1 486.728439 12997.641845 None MULTIPOLYGON (((620576.811 312663.606, 620626....
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4197 UK Reading UK552L0 11210 Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% -... 2020-02 305-UK552L0 558.446702 14641.882260 None MULTIPOLYGON (((468779.192 173658.431, 468676....
4198 UK Reading UK552L0 11220 Discontinuous medium density urban fabric (S.L... 2020-02 1044-UK552L0 870.186192 29291.038780 None MULTIPOLYGON (((467566.392 174849.590, 467553....
4199 UK Reading UK552L0 11230 Discontinuous low density urban fabric (S.L. :... 2020-02 1415-UK552L0 1459.462751 58927.793763 None MULTIPOLYGON (((467100.219 175109.903, 467097....
4200 UK Reading UK552L0 11230 Discontinuous low density urban fabric (S.L. :... 2020-02 1416-UK552L0 918.929836 40518.633162 None MULTIPOLYGON (((467413.737 175161.847, 467424....
4201 UK Reading UK552L0 13300 Construction sites 2020-02 2616-UK552L0 507.509481 16769.773281 None MULTIPOLYGON (((481889.558 169963.353, 481799....

949178 rows × 11 columns

ddf_urban_atlas = dask_geopandas.from_geopandas(urban_atlas, npartitions=16)
ddf_urban_atlas.geometry = ddf_urban_atlas.geometry.simplify(5)
simplified_urban_atlas = ddf_urban_atlas.compute()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
CPU times: user 3min 11s, sys: 483 ms, total: 3min 12s
Wall time: 15 s

def _join_ua(ch):
    tb = ch.total_bounds
    urban_atlas_ch = simplified_urban_atlas.cx[tb[0]:tb[2], tb[1]:tb[3]]
    return tobler.area_weighted.area_join(urban_atlas_ch, ch, ["class_2018"])

meta = tobler.area_weighted.area_join(simplified_urban_atlas, cells._meta, ["class_2018"])

ua_joined = cells.map_partitions(_join_ua, meta=meta)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/magic.py:187: UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: None
Right CRS: EPSG:27700

  call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
CPU times: user 13.1 s, sys: 1.31 s, total: 14.4 s
Wall time: 14.4 s
ua_data = ua_joined[["signature_type", "class_2018"]]
ua_data = ua_data.compute()
CPU times: user 1h 55min 52s, sys: 14min 55s, total: 2h 10min 48s
Wall time: 29min 41s
ua_covered = ua_data.dropna()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
signature_type class_2018
0 6 Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% -...
1 6 Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% -...
2 6 Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% -...
3 6 Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% -...
4 6 Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% -...
... ... ...
139162 0 Sports and leisure facilities
139168 0 Arable land (annual crops)
139178 0 Arable land (annual crops)
139205 4 Discontinuous very low density urban fabric (S...
139206 4 Discontinuous very low density urban fabric (S...

8396642 rows × 2 columns

crosstab = pd.crosstab(ua_covered.signature_type, ua_covered.class_2018)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
class_2018 Airports Arable land (annual crops) Complex and mixed cultivation patterns Construction sites Continuous urban fabric (S.L. : > 80%) Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% - 80%) Discontinuous low density urban fabric (S.L. : 10% - 30%) Discontinuous medium density urban fabric (S.L. : 30% - 50%) Discontinuous very low density urban fabric (S.L. : < 10%) Fast transit roads and associated land ... Mineral extraction and dump sites Open spaces with little or no vegetation (beaches, dunes, bare rocks, glaciers) Orchards at the fringe of urban classes Pastures Permanent crops (vineyards, fruit trees, olive groves) Port areas Railways and associated land Sports and leisure facilities Water Wetlands
0 1970 162715 35 2728 716 30725 180334 139190 70543 865 ... 2044 124 1 308524 108 403 772 19612 3055 570
1 116 1728 12 2160 7246 773300 55316 506555 2701 83 ... 130 149 0 4242 0 132 1362 19054 340 59
3 574 10599 3 10465 12418 753983 67639 559736 6299 1211 ... 1888 78 0 33717 6 521 2986 27642 1899 172
4 47 23891 3 49 27 1656 6652 5936 2711 32 ... 265 51 0 50629 0 7 67 938 416 64
5 1361 3938 0 2084 4644 217845 17828 149909 1657 795 ... 717 25 0 9753 0 6058 1284 11024 1377 79
6 0 10 0 125 23544 98085 1240 15678 56 23 ... 27 34 0 149 0 69 307 2141 119 3
7 1756 96530 25 31212 3894 381255 255892 670328 36046 2435 ... 3281 238 0 215022 64 739 2791 40338 4123 714
8 0 227 0 471 2069 197699 7840 121443 393 2 ... 34 4 0 863 0 0 477 4760 91 0
20 0 260 1 795 19834 242743 5128 70591 451 199 ... 101 62 0 990 0 1120 2115 8012 597 2
21 0 152 0 329 9477 203970 4842 69128 283 58 ... 72 36 0 577 0 61 916 4698 124 6
22 27 89 0 224 24064 121552 979 16398 35 148 ... 35 20 0 153 0 1373 2348 2651 608 0
90 0 9 0 130 12066 42757 154 3169 151 72 ... 0 16 0 2 0 437 1364 565 328 0
91 0 0 0 0 779 79 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 5 0
92 0 0 0 87 6145 8267 33 238 0 59 ... 0 14 0 0 0 55 555 190 138 0
93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
94 0 0 0 2 1807 555 0 18 4 21 ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 192 9 16 0
95 0 0 0 0 238 8 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1
97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 91 0 0 5 0
98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

19 rows × 26 columns

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)
crosstab = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/ctab_ua.pq")
crosstab = crosstab.drop([x for x in crosstab.index if int(x) not in types.keys()])
crosstab.index = [types[int(x)] for x in crosstab.index]
class_2018 Airports Arable land (annual crops) Complex and mixed cultivation patterns Construction sites Continuous urban fabric (S.L. : > 80%) Discontinuous dense urban fabric (S.L. : 50% - 80%) Discontinuous low density urban fabric (S.L. : 10% - 30%) Discontinuous medium density urban fabric (S.L. : 30% - 50%) Discontinuous very low density urban fabric (S.L. : < 10%) Fast transit roads and associated land ... Mineral extraction and dump sites Open spaces with little or no vegetation (beaches, dunes, bare rocks, glaciers) Orchards at the fringe of urban classes Pastures Permanent crops (vineyards, fruit trees, olive groves) Port areas Railways and associated land Sports and leisure facilities Water Wetlands
Countryside agriculture 1970 162715 35 2728 716 30725 180334 139190 70543 865 ... 2044 124 1 308524 108 403 772 19612 3055 570
Accessible suburbia 116 1728 12 2160 7246 773300 55316 506555 2701 83 ... 130 149 0 4242 0 132 1362 19054 340 59
Open sprawl 574 10599 3 10465 12418 753983 67639 559736 6299 1211 ... 1888 78 0 33717 6 521 2986 27642 1899 172
Wild countryside 47 23891 3 49 27 1656 6652 5936 2711 32 ... 265 51 0 50629 0 7 67 938 416 64
Warehouse/Park land 1361 3938 0 2084 4644 217845 17828 149909 1657 795 ... 717 25 0 9753 0 6058 1284 11024 1377 79
Gridded residential quarters 0 10 0 125 23544 98085 1240 15678 56 23 ... 27 34 0 149 0 69 307 2141 119 3
Urban buffer 1756 96530 25 31212 3894 381255 255892 670328 36046 2435 ... 3281 238 0 215022 64 739 2791 40338 4123 714
Disconnected suburbia 0 227 0 471 2069 197699 7840 121443 393 2 ... 34 4 0 863 0 0 477 4760 91 0
Dense residential neighbourhoods 0 260 1 795 19834 242743 5128 70591 451 199 ... 101 62 0 990 0 1120 2115 8012 597 2
Connected residential neighbourhoods 0 152 0 329 9477 203970 4842 69128 283 58 ... 72 36 0 577 0 61 916 4698 124 6
Dense urban neighbourhoods 27 89 0 224 24064 121552 979 16398 35 148 ... 35 20 0 153 0 1373 2348 2651 608 0
Local urbanity 0 9 0 130 12066 42757 154 3169 151 72 ... 0 16 0 2 0 437 1364 565 328 0
Concentrated urbanity 0 0 0 0 779 79 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 5 0
Regional urbanity 0 0 0 87 6145 8267 33 238 0 59 ... 0 14 0 0 0 55 555 190 138 0
Metropolitan urbanity 0 0 0 2 1807 555 0 18 4 21 ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 192 9 16 0
Hyper concentrated urbanity 0 0 0 0 238 8 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1

16 rows × 26 columns

crosstab.columns.name = "Urban Atlas class"
crosstab.index.name = "Spatial Signature type"
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.heatmap(crosstab.divide(crosstab.sum(axis=1), axis=0).astype('float') * 100, cmap=sns.light_palette(ugg.HEX[2], n_colors=256), annot=True, fmt='.0f', vmax=100)
plt.savefig("crosstab_ua.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

Compute chi-squared

chi = sp.stats.chi2_contingency(crosstab)
print(f"chi2: {chi[0]}, p: {chi[1]}, dof: {chi[2]}, N: {crosstab.sum().sum()}")
chi2: 5229900.007979867, p: 0.0, dof: 450, N: 8396642
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py:283: DeprecationWarning: `should_run_async` will not call `transform_cell` automatically in the future. Please pass the result to `transformed_cell` argument and any exception that happen during thetransform in `preprocessing_exc_tuple` in IPython 7.17 and above.
  and should_run_async(code)

Local Climate Zones

Download and read data. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0214474, https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/European_LCZ_map/13322450

path = download("https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/28352715",
Downloading data from https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pfigshare-u-files/28352715/EU_LCZ_map_epsg4326.tif?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIYCQYOYV5JSSROOA/20220223/eu-west-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220223T104658Z&X-Amz-Expires=10&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=4ab98243608f600c64065a763f57b99cbb32def65f74e32e9975f7b5c341ba99 (113.8 MB)

file_sizes: 100%|████████████████████████████| 119M/119M [00:03<00:00, 38.1MB/s]
Successfully downloaded file to ../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/EU_LCZ_map_epsg4326.tif
lcz = rioxarray.open_rasterio(path)
<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 33718, x: 97031)>
[3271691258 values with dtype=int16]
  * band         (band) int64 1
  * x            (x) float64 -55.24 -55.24 -55.24 -55.24 ... 75.5 75.5 75.5 75.5
  * y            (y) float64 74.07 74.07 74.07 74.07 ... 28.64 28.64 28.64 28.64
    spatial_ref  int64 0
    scale_factor:  1.0
    add_offset:    0.0
signatures = gpd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/signatures/signatures_combined_levels_simplified.pq")


box = gpd.GeoSeries([box(*signatures.total_bounds)], crs=signatures.crs).to_crs(lcz.rio.crs)
lcz_osgb = lcz.rio.clip_box(*box.total_bounds).rio.reproject("EPSG:27700")

Get signature type as float.

signatures.signature_type = (signatures.kmeans10gb * 10) + signatures.level2
kmeans10gb geometry level2 signature_type
0 0 POLYGON ((62219.999 798499.999, 62109.999 7985... 0.0 0.0
1 0 POLYGON ((63507.682 796515.168, 63471.096 7965... 0.0 0.0
2 0 POLYGON ((65953.174 802246.171, 65523.864 8023... 0.0 0.0
3 0 POLYGON ((67297.740 803435.799, 67220.290 8034... 0.0 0.0
4 0 POLYGON ((75760.000 852669.999, 75699.999 8527... 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ...
96699 9 POLYGON ((323321.005 463795.415, 323236.741 46... 8.0 98.0
96700 9 POLYGON ((325929.840 1008792.060, 325890.989 1... 8.0 98.0
96701 9 POLYGON ((337804.769 1013422.582, 337547.855 1... 8.0 98.0
96702 9 POLYGON ((422304.270 1147826.989, 422296.000 1... 8.0 98.0
96703 9 POLYGON ((525396.260 439215.479, 525360.919 43... 8.0 98.0

96704 rows × 4 columns

Rasterise signatures.

signatures_raster = make_geocube(signatures, measurements=["signature_type"], like=lcz_osgb)
CPU times: user 17.6 s, sys: 1.1 s, total: 18.7 s
Wall time: 18.6 s

Save raster to file.


Create cross tabulation. There may be a smarter way but this one works.

spsig_vals = signatures.signature_type.unique()
lcz_vals = np.unique(lcz_osgb)[1:]  # ignoring null
crosstab = pd.DataFrame(columns=lcz_vals, index=spsig_vals)

for sps, so in product(spsig_vals, lcz_vals):
    crosstab.loc[sps, so] =  np.logical_and(signatures_raster.signature_type == sps, lcz_osgb[0] == so).data.sum()
0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
0.0 25077 39 195 0 159 30504 4819 101054 0 618768 460846 1518 5338608 4160 1167 28298
10.0 765 0 27 0 43 135527 1393 1292 0 1770 8372 0 8474 244 47 384
30.0 1756 6 224 0 733 218317 12039 5126 0 15052 49288 4 51549 368 162 3391
40.0 67832 25 117 0 101 10253 628 151456 0 1201136 623736 57865 4146693 54835 2814 115009
50.0 5314 138 291 36 1222 76593 23508 1363 43 6176 26242 1 27913 742 89 3935
60.0 329 34 1130 0 264 13452 2284 52 0 64 466 0 196 78 2 110
70.0 28392 84 645 5 899 215584 18073 57667 14 206451 285617 417 1390348 2579 1532 17996
80.0 50 0 24 0 34 47355 243 182 0 269 1477 0 334 6 1 36
20.0 782 58 1519 4 1300 50885 6465 233 4 727 3643 0 869 114 10 779
21.0 380 5 438 0 208 33992 1180 167 0 304 2313 0 500 24 20 188
22.0 657 271 3298 5 3451 21764 7107 93 0 179 2192 0 261 47 8 826
90.0 393 566 1392 0 5524 4409 3278 31 2 20 383 0 35 13 2 298
91.0 0 467 0 0 15 0 23 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 19
92.0 0 920 765 2 2129 424 825 9 0 12 135 0 1 3 0 169
93.0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
94.0 2 552 78 0 332 17 21 0 0 1 117 0 15 1 0 38
95.0 9 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 1
96.0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
97.0 5 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
98.0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
crosstab.columns = [str(c) for c in crosstab.columns]
crosstab = pd.read_parquet("../../urbangrammar_samba/spatial_signatures/validation/ctab_lcz.pq")

Plot percentages.

types = {
    0: "Countryside agriculture",
    10: "Accessible suburbia",
    30: "Open sprawl",
    40: "Wild countryside",
    50: "Warehouse/Park land",
    60: "Gridded residential quarters",
    70: "Urban buffer",
    80: "Disconnected suburbia",
    20: "Dense residential neighbourhoods",
    21: "Connected residential neighbourhoods",
    22: "Dense urban neighbourhoods",
    90: "Local urbanity",
    91: "Concentrated urbanity",
    92: "Regional urbanity",
    94: "Metropolitan urbanity",
    95: "Hyper concentrated urbanity",
lczs = {
    1:"Compact highrise",
    2:"Compact midrise",
    3:"Compact lowrise",
    4:"Open highrise",
    5:"Open midrise",
    6:"Open lowrise",
    7:"Lightweight low-rise",
    8:"Large lowrise",
    9:"Sparsely built",
    10:"Heavy Industry",
    11 :"Dense trees",
    12 :"Scattered trees",
    13 :"Bush, scrub",
    14 :"Low plants",
    15 :"Bare rock or paved",
    16 :"Bare soil or sand",
    17 :"Water"
crosstab = crosstab.drop([x for x in crosstab.index if x not in types.keys()])
crosstab.index = [types[x] for x in crosstab.index]
crosstab.columns = [lczs[int(x)] for x in crosstab.columns]
NA Compact midrise Compact lowrise Open highrise Open midrise Open lowrise Large lowrise Sparsely built Heavy Industry Dense trees Scattered trees Bush, scrub Low plants Bare rock or paved Bare soil or sand Water
Countryside agriculture 25077 39 195 0 159 30504 4819 101054 0 618768 460846 1518 5338608 4160 1167 28298
Accessible suburbia 765 0 27 0 43 135527 1393 1292 0 1770 8372 0 8474 244 47 384
Open sprawl 1756 6 224 0 733 218317 12039 5126 0 15052 49288 4 51549 368 162 3391
Wild countryside 67832 25 117 0 101 10253 628 151456 0 1201136 623736 57865 4146693 54835 2814 115009
Warehouse/Park land 5314 138 291 36 1222 76593 23508 1363 43 6176 26242 1 27913 742 89 3935
Gridded residential quarters 329 34 1130 0 264 13452 2284 52 0 64 466 0 196 78 2 110
Urban buffer 28392 84 645 5 899 215584 18073 57667 14 206451 285617 417 1390348 2579 1532 17996
Disconnected suburbia 50 0 24 0 34 47355 243 182 0 269 1477 0 334 6 1 36
Dense residential neighbourhoods 782 58 1519 4 1300 50885 6465 233 4 727 3643 0 869 114 10 779
Connected residential neighbourhoods 380 5 438 0 208 33992 1180 167 0 304 2313 0 500 24 20 188
Dense urban neighbourhoods 657 271 3298 5 3451 21764 7107 93 0 179 2192 0 261 47 8 826
Local urbanity 393 566 1392 0 5524 4409 3278 31 2 20 383 0 35 13 2 298
Concentrated urbanity 0 467 0 0 15 0 23 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 19
Regional urbanity 0 920 765 2 2129 424 825 9 0 12 135 0 1 3 0 169
Metropolitan urbanity 2 552 78 0 332 17 21 0 0 1 117 0 15 1 0 38
Hyper concentrated urbanity 9 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 1
order = [
    "Wild countryside",
    "Countryside agriculture",
    "Urban buffer",
    "Open sprawl",
    "Disconnected suburbia",
    "Accessible suburbia",
    "Warehouse/Park land",
    "Gridded residential quarters",
    "Connected residential neighbourhoods",
    "Dense residential neighbourhoods",
    "Dense urban neighbourhoods",
    "Local urbanity",
    "Regional urbanity",
    "Metropolitan urbanity",
    "Concentrated urbanity",
    "Hyper concentrated urbanity",
crosstab = crosstab.loc[order]
crosstab.columns.name = "LCZ class"
crosstab.index.name = "Spatial Signature type"
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
sns.heatmap(crosstab.divide(crosstab.sum(axis=1), axis=0).astype('float') * 100, cmap=sns.light_palette(ugg.HEX[2], n_colors=256), annot=True, fmt='.0f', vmax=100)
plt.savefig("crosstab_lcz.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

Compute chi-squared

chi = sp.stats.chi2_contingency(crosstab)
print(f"chi2: {chi[0]}, p: {chi[1]}, dof: {chi[2]}, N: {crosstab.sum().sum()}")
chi2: 18467242.8837895, p: 0.0, dof: 225, N: 16203338

Compute Cramer’s V.


Results indicate moderate associtation.