Urban Grammar AI
research project
Last year, we attended the International Seminar on Urban Form 2021, which was held virtually in Glasgow, Scotland and presented a classification of Great Britain based on the form component of Spatial Signatures; we called those morphosignatures. Earlier this year the proceedings from the conference were published, including our paper describing the work. On that occasion, we also published the dataset of resulting morphosignatures.
You can get the paper either from the original proceedings under DOI 10.17868/strath.00080527 or from our Github repository (8MB). The bibtex citation for the paper is attached below.
The code we used to generate the morphosignatures is available on the WP2 Jupyter book of the project, since a lot of it is shared with the codebase we developed to generate our main signature classification. If you want to have a peek into the specific notebooks for the clustering step (the most unique part of this exercise), you can find it at the following links:
Form-based signatures
Second level form signatures
The dataset is available from https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20337633.v1 and contains a GeoPackage with the morphosignatures geometries.
Finally, if you use the morphosignatures in your own work, you can cite them with the following reference:
Fleischmann, Martin and Arribas-Bel, Daniel; (2022) Classifying urban form at national scale : the British morphosignatures. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 895-905. ISBN 9781914241161
And, if you write in LaTeX, you can use the follow bibtex snippet:
@incollection{fleischmannmartin2022Classifying, title = {Classifying Urban Form at National Scale : The {{British}} Morphosignatures}, shorttitle = {Classifying Urban Form at National Scale}, booktitle = {Annual {{Conference Proceedings}} of the {{XXVIII International Seminar}} on {{Urban Form}}}, author = {Fleischmann, Martin and {Arribas-Bel, Daniel}}, year = {2022}, pages = {895--905}, publisher = {{University of Strathclyde Publishing}}, address = {{Glasgow}}, doi = {10.17868/STRATH.00080527}, isbn = {978-1-914241-16-1} }