Urban Grammar AI
research project
The first week of May, Dani visited the University of Chicago. As part of the trip, he (re-)connected with folks at the Center for Spatial Data Science and met a bunch of new friends at the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation. All in all, it was a fantastic week where there was even a bit of time to discuss all things urban form and function.
On May 4th, he delivered the lecture “‘Open by Default’ - Developing reproducible, computational research” on open workflows for modern computational research at one of the GIS courses offered at Chicago and taught by Dr. Marynia Kolak. The slides of the talk are available at the Urban Grammar’s talks repository in our two common formats:
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PDF for download
This was a particularly tricky talk to conceive and prepare. Conceptually, it was a bit out of our “comfort zone” in that it is not really about the research we are doing at the Urban Grammar, but about the process we follow to realize it. It was also hard to structure it in a way that made sense because it pulled from many different aspects of the project, from the approach we take to writing slide decks to the computational infrastructure on which all of our computations rely. We are nevertheless happy with the outcome. It’s not ideal, and we will probably refine it in successive iterations (we’re planning on giving similar talks in the near future, stay tuned!), but this is a great start.