Urban Grammar

Decoding urban form and function in Great Britain

IOER Forum
Dani Arribas-Bel
Martin Fleischmann

Form & Function

F&F: What


What does it look like?
“Physical structure and appearance of cities”


What is it used for?
“Activities that take place within an environment”

F&F: Why

Encode the past
Frame the future
  • Geography
  • History
  • Technology
  • Productivity
  • Sustainability
  • Quality of Life

F&F: Why

F&F: How

Characterisations of space based on form and function designed to understand urban environments

Characterisations of space based on form and function designed to understand urban environments

Characterisations of space based on form and function designed to understand urban environments

Characterisations of space based on form and function designed to understand urban environments

British Signatures

Building Spatial Signatures

[STAGE] Delimiters Enclosure Anchors Encl. Tess. Characters Clusters Signatures
Enclosed Tessellation
Embedding form & function
Spatial Signatures

Building Spatial Signatures

[STAGE] Delimiters Enclosure Anchors Encl. Tess. Characters Clusters Signatures
Enclosed Tessellation
Embedding form & function
Spatial Signatures

F&F Characters



A panoramic of the British (urban) landscape


Countryside (3)

Periphery (4)

Urban (9)



94% (50%)

5% (40%)

1% (10%)

Signature Hierarchy

Urban Hierarchy

Signature Dish

Signature importance in each OECD’s Functional Urban Areas

A peak into the future

📡 🌎 + 💻 + 🤖

📡 🌎

Source: Sentinel-2 cloudless

Wild countryside (320x320m)

Urbanity (320x320m)

Predicted class (320x320m)

Wrap up

  • Urban F&F is important, interesting and relevant
  • We should (and can!) measure it in detailed, consistent and scalable ways
  • Once available (now!), we can build much on top (e.g., hierarchies)

Urban Grammar

Decoding urban form and function in Great Britain

Department of Geography and Environment - LSE
Dani Arribas-Bel
Martin Fleischmann


Meaningful spatial units

Enclosed tessellation


Signature drivers

Signature proportion within ONS Travel to Work Areas