Fetch Ordnance Survey (Open) Data

  • Dowload files from OS OpenData API, save zip, open it in GeoPandas and dump to a PostGIS database.

  • Process OS MasterMap Building height data

To establish a connection to the database, this notebook is using docker environment variables. Start docker as docker run -it -e DB_PORT=<port> -e DB_USER=<username> -e DB_PWD=<password> -e DB_HOST=<host> darribas/gds_dev:5.0.

import os
import zipfile
import requests

import fiona
import geopandas as gpd

from sqlalchemy import create_engine


Download from API

Request the list of products available using Ordnance Survey API and filter 'OpenRoads' record.

response = requests.get('https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products')
json = response.json()
for product in json:
    if product['id'] == 'OpenRoads':
        url = product['url']
roads = requests.get(url)
roads_json = roads.json()
{'id': 'OpenRoads',
 'name': 'OS Open Roads',
 'description': 'Get a high-level view of the road network, from motorways to country lanes.',
 'version': '2020-04',
 'documentationUrl': 'https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/products/open-map-roads',
 'dataStructures': ['Vector'],
 'category': 'Networks',
 'formats': [{'format': 'ESRI® Shapefile'},
  {'format': 'GML', 'subformat': '3'},
  {'format': 'GeoPackage'}],
 'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRoads',
 'imageCount': 3,
 'imageTemplate': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRoads/images/{index}',
 'downloadsUrl': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRoads/downloads',
 'areas': ['GB']}

Get download URLs.

download = requests.get(roads_json['downloadsUrl'])
download_json = download.json()
[{'md5': '60286049CB76C9D6364F0FE87090202C',
  'size': 541236838,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRoads/downloads?area=GB&format=ESRI%C2%AE+Shapefile&redirect',
  'format': 'ESRI® Shapefile',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'oproad_essh_gb.zip'},
 {'md5': '84E66CAFCEA9DD695A68540DE9379D4C',
  'size': 542188036,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRoads/downloads?area=GB&format=GML&subformat=3&redirect',
  'format': 'GML',
  'subformat': '3',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'oproad_gml3_gb.zip'},
 {'md5': 'E1FC93742CAAE7EF70C675749077AB42',
  'size': 931331115,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRoads/downloads?area=GB&format=GeoPackage&redirect',
  'format': 'GeoPackage',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'oproad_gpkg_gb.zip'}]

Save zipped GeoPackage to disk. Since we do not know its contents, we can’t read it directly to GeoPandas.

for fileformat in download_json:
    if fileformat['format'] == 'GeoPackage':
        with open(fileformat['fileName'], "wb") as down:

Explore the contents of the downloaded file.

gpkg = zipfile.ZipFile(fileformat['fileName'])
['readme.txt', 'data/oproad_gb.gpkg', 'doc/licence.txt']

Read GeoPackage to GeoPandas.

gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + fileformat['fileName'] + '!' + gpkg.namelist()[1])
id endNode startNode roadNumberTOID roadNameTOID fictitious roadClassification roadFunction formOfWay length ... loop primaryRoute trunkRoad roadClassificationNumber name1 name1_lang name2 name2_lang roadStructure geometry
0 id04AE862E-2A92-41BC-BBE0-6AF05DDDE57E idD6A4C11F-3E69-4E22-9711-2DE393FCF0A2 idF4241DAB-6DC5-4C0E-90FA-161BF2270663 None None False Unknown Minor Road Single Carriageway 500 ... False False False None None None None None None LINESTRING (463181.000 1212313.000, 463361.630...
1 idDF59D6BB-3E5C-4BFA-91E9-81FAFB70D79C idE7211001-42DF-416C-9304-D39F9F66D4A6 id8F2F6CFE-2E3D-4CA3-AD41-124E098F7197 None None False Unknown Minor Road Single Carriageway 525 ... False False False None None None None None None LINESTRING (464759.470 1212349.740, 464729.000...
2 id92D440D3-B707-45F8-8173-E7EE22663573 idCB2E6127-8894-4372-8B1A-D8EECC2B6F8C id9404ED22-2647-483C-81B6-C294CF3B8712 None None False Unknown Minor Road Single Carriageway 338 ... False False False None None None None None None LINESTRING (463644.000 1212504.000, 463805.030...
3 id7AA3E18E-21A4-4FD4-B308-EA0B3EA67046 id1CC69224-6F4C-4706-A658-2175240DE21A id63BA7519-6915-4553-BEA5-AF9C57EF73A5 None None False Unknown Restricted Local Access Road Single Carriageway 99 ... False False False None None None None None None LINESTRING (464193.000 1212455.000, 464217.080...
4 idB9590DD5-48C1-47F6-9B1A-044C454CCB00 id63BA7519-6915-4553-BEA5-AF9C57EF73A5 idE7211001-42DF-416C-9304-D39F9F66D4A6 None osgb4000000003210673 False Unknown Minor Road Single Carriageway 104 ... False False False None Beach Road None None None None LINESTRING (464287.780 1212496.830, 464240.390...

5 rows × 21 columns

Save GeoDataFrame to PostGIS

user = os.environ.get('DB_USER')
pwd = os.environ.get('DB_PWD')
host = os.environ.get('DB_HOST')
port = os.environ.get('DB_PORT')
db_connection_url = f"postgres+psycopg2://{user}:{pwd}@{host}:{port}/built_env"
engine = create_engine(db_connection_url)
gdf.to_postgis("openroads_200803", engine, if_exists='replace')

OpenMap - Local (building layer + barriers)

Download from API

Now we get url of OpenMap - Local product, from which we extract buidling footprints and layers forming morphological barriers.

for product in json:
    if product['id'] == 'OpenMapLocal':
        url = product['url']

Unlike above, OpenMap comes in split into tiles. We want the whole GB, so we have to specify it as area.

openmap = requests.get(url)
openmap_json = openmap.json()

download = requests.get(openmap_json['downloadsUrl'])
download_json = download.json()

for tile in download_json:
    if tile['area'] == 'GB' and tile['format'] == 'GML':
        url = tile['url']
        filename = tile['fileName']
{'md5': '8D26A678FC6C0990633427519FF6F55D', 'size': 2239775851, 'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenMapLocal/downloads?area=GB&format=GML&subformat=3&redirect', 'format': 'GML', 'subformat': '3', 'area': 'GB', 'fileName': 'opmplc_gml3_gb.zip'}
with open(filename, "wb") as down:

Save files to PostGIS

Because downloaded zip still containes data split into tiles, we will have to iterate over them and append them individually to the same table.

gml = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)

Since gml files come with more layers that we are looking for, let’s explore them and pick only those of interest.

fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + gml.namelist()[-1])

Finally, we can iterate over the contents of downloaded zip and store relevant data in our PostGIS table. Note the if_exists='append option, which ensures that we do not overwrite one tile with another. There are tiles covering only sea - those do not have wanted (e.g. Building) layer.


for file in gml.namelist():
    if file.startswith('data/'):
        if 'Building' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='Building')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_buildings_200814", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain Building layer.')
data/OV/OV.gml does not contain Building layer.


for file in gml.namelist():
    if file.startswith('data/'):
        if 'RailwayTrack' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='RailwayTrack')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_railwaytrack_200824", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain Railway layer.')
data/HP/HP.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/HT/HT.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/HW/HW.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/HX/HX.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/HY/HY.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/HZ/HZ.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/NA/NA.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/NB/NB.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/NF/NF.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/NL/NL.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/NR/NR.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/NW/NW.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/OV/OV.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/SR/SR.gml does not contain Railway layer.
data/SV/SV.gml does not contain Railway layer.

Surface Water

for file in gml.namelist():
    if file.startswith('data/'):
        if 'SurfaceWater_Area' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='SurfaceWater_Area')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_surfacewater_area_200824", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain SurfaceWater_Area layer.')
        if 'SurfaceWater_Line' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='SurfaceWater_Line')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_surfacewater_line_200824", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain SurfaceWater_Line layer.')
data/HW/HW.gml does not contain SurfaceWater_Line layer.
data/HX/HX.gml does not contain SurfaceWater_Area layer.
data/HX/HX.gml does not contain SurfaceWater_Line layer.
data/OV/OV.gml does not contain SurfaceWater_Area layer.
data/OV/OV.gml does not contain SurfaceWater_Line layer.


for file in gml.namelist():
    if file.startswith('data/'):
        if 'Woodland' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='Woodland')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_woodland_200824", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain Woodland layer.')
data/HT/HT.gml does not contain Woodland layer.
data/HW/HW.gml does not contain Woodland layer.
data/HX/HX.gml does not contain Woodland layer.
data/HZ/HZ.gml does not contain Woodland layer.
data/NA/NA.gml does not contain Woodland layer.
data/OV/OV.gml does not contain Woodland layer.

Tidal water

for file in gml.namelist():
    if file.startswith('data/'):
        if 'TidalWater' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='TidalWater')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_tidalwater_200908", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain TidalWater layer.')

Tidal Boundary

Showing high water mark (coinciding with tidal water boundary) and low water mark.

for file in gml.namelist():
    if file.startswith('data/'):
        if 'TidalBoundary' in fiona.listlayers('zip://' + filename + '!' + file):
            gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + filename + '!' + file, layer='TidalBoundary')
            gdf.to_postgis("openmap_tidalboundary_200908", engine, if_exists='append')
            print(file, 'does not contain TidalBoundary layer.')
data/SP/SP.gml does not contain TidalBoundary layer.


for product in json:
    if product['id'] == 'OpenRivers':
        url = product['url']
rivers = requests.get(url)
rivers_json = rivers.json()
{'id': 'OpenRivers',
 'name': 'OS Open Rivers',
 'description': 'Understand how watercourses in Great Britain join up.',
 'version': '2020-04',
 'documentationUrl': 'https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/products/open-map-rivers',
 'dataStructures': ['Vector'],
 'category': 'Networks',
 'formats': [{'format': 'ESRI® Shapefile'},
  {'format': 'GML', 'subformat': '3'},
  {'format': 'GeoPackage'}],
 'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRivers',
 'areas': ['GB'],
 'imageCount': 3,
 'imageTemplate': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRivers/images/{index}',
 'downloadsUrl': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRivers/downloads'}
download = requests.get(rivers_json['downloadsUrl'])
download_json = download.json()
[{'md5': '80479F3A41EF2DB802F4B1D45C8FECF1',
  'size': 38392248,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRivers/downloads?area=GB&format=ESRI%C2%AE+Shapefile&redirect',
  'format': 'ESRI® Shapefile',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'oprvrs_essh_gb.zip'},
 {'md5': 'A5E9FA79510B4B30D1FFC0F00A76B2EB',
  'size': 39484486,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRivers/downloads?area=GB&format=GML&subformat=3&redirect',
  'format': 'GML',
  'subformat': '3',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'oprvrs_gml3_gb.zip'},
 {'md5': '62157F02DA12C1C134FD003B030E61F7',
  'size': 53972360,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/OpenRivers/downloads?area=GB&format=GeoPackage&redirect',
  'format': 'GeoPackage',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'oprvrs_gpkg_gb.zip'}]
for fileformat in download_json:
    if fileformat['format'] == 'GeoPackage':
        with open(fileformat['fileName'], "wb") as down:
gpkg = zipfile.ZipFile(fileformat['fileName'])
['readme.txt', 'data/oprvrs_gb.gpkg', 'doc/licence.txt']
fiona.listlayers('zip://' + fileformat['fileName'] + '!' + gpkg.namelist()[1])
['HydroNode', 'WatercourseLink']
gdf = gpd.read_file('zip://' + fileformat['fileName'] + '!' + gpkg.namelist()[1], layer='WatercourseLink')
gdf.to_postgis("openrivers_200909", engine, if_exists='replace')

Save samples of OS MasterMap Building height layer to parquet files

Processing raw downloads of OS MasterMap Building height layer from digimap.edina.ac.uk to a single parquet file per city. Initial downloaded zip files have been extracted and renamed to indicate the location. The contents of each folder is unchanged.

The structure of current directory:


where * is the original content of downloaded zip file.

First we get the list of cities based on folders:

cities = [city for city in glob.glob('**') if not city.endswith('ipynb')]

The data are stored in tiled gdb files which needs to be merged together first. We loop through cities and concatenate all gdb files in each into a single GeoDataFrame, which is then saved to a single parquet file.

for city in cities:
    files = glob.glob(f'{city}/**/**/**')
    merged = pd.concat([gpd.read_file(file) for file in files if file.endswith('gdb')])


To get the external boundary of the GB, we will also need coastline geometry. That is downloadable from data.gov.uk.

coastline = gpd.read_file('http://geoportal1-ons.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f2c2211ff185418484566b2b7a5e1300_1.zip?outSR={%22latestWkid%22:27700,%22wkid%22:27700}')
objectid ctry17cd ctry17nm ctry17nmw bng_e bng_n long lat st_areasha st_lengths geometry
0 1 E92000001 England Lloegr 394881 370341 -2.07813 53.230099 1.329461e+11 4.776071e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((398210.896 657405.599, 398214....
1 2 S92000003 Scotland Yr Alban 277746 700060 -3.97091 56.177429 8.022646e+10 1.790847e+07 MULTIPOLYGON (((320228.803 976907.502, 320230....
2 3 W92000004 Wales Cymru 263406 242881 -3.99416 52.067410 2.122477e+10 2.027624e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((312661.601 385723.097, 312730....
coastline.to_postgis("gb_countries_2017", engine, if_exists='replace')

However, that proved to be unprecise. Coastline layer from Strategi product (although deprecated now) is better for our purpose.

json = response.json()
for product in json:
    if product['id'] == 'Strategi':
        url = product['url']
strategi = requests.get(url)
strategi_json = strategi.json()
{'id': 'Strategi',
 'name': 'Strategi®',
 'description': 'A regional vector map dataset, railways, airports, rivers, villages, woods, land use and place names.',
 'version': '2016-01',
 'documentationUrl': 'https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/products/strategi',
 'dataStructures': ['Vector'],
 'category': 'Mapping',
 'formats': [{'format': 'DXF'},
  {'format': 'ESRI® Shapefile'},
  {'format': 'MapInfo® TAB'}],
 'warning': "(Note: Strategi won't be updated again. We released our final update in January 2016.)",
 'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/Strategi',
 'imageCount': 3,
 'imageTemplate': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/Strategi/images/{index}',
 'downloadsUrl': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/Strategi/downloads',
 'areas': ['GB']}
download = requests.get(strategi_json['downloadsUrl'])
download_json = download.json()
[{'md5': 'AE5655AD0F52B777AF53462552222CE4',
  'size': 58134716,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/Strategi/downloads?area=GB&format=DXF&redirect',
  'format': 'DXF',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'strtgi_dxf_gb.zip'},
 {'md5': '374550DB97DDC152554F97DBA2421E80',
  'size': 40443471,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/Strategi/downloads?area=GB&format=ESRI%C2%AE+Shapefile&redirect',
  'format': 'ESRI® Shapefile',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'strtgi_essh_gb.zip'},
 {'md5': '7550A30048FABDA32FAF16D8217A2687',
  'size': 55439034,
  'url': 'https://api.os.uk/downloads/v1/products/Strategi/downloads?area=GB&format=MapInfo%C2%AE+TAB&redirect',
  'format': 'MapInfo® TAB',
  'area': 'GB',
  'fileName': 'strtgi_mapt_gb.zip'}]
for fileformat in download_json:
    if fileformat['format'] == 'ESRI® Shapefile':
        with open(fileformat['fileName'], "wb") as down:
gml = zipfile.ZipFile('strtgi_essh_gb.zip')
coastline = gpd.read_file('zip://strtgi_essh_gb.zip!strtgi_essh_gb/data/coastline.shp')
coastline.to_postgis("gb_coastline_2016", engine, if_exists='replace')